Monday, November 05, 2007

Non-Scrappy Happiness.

As you know, I went to a lodge for the weekend with 10 other women for a non-scrapping scrapbook retreat. I was in better company than last year with 5 of us not scrapping as opposed to 2 of us from last year. Another bonus this year was there being no snow, so we could actually enjoy the gorgeous outdoors.
I ended up vegging out a lot more than actually working this weekend, which was fine. I took a glorious bath and ate marvelous food and laughed at great stories. There were 4 babies along which didn't ruin things at all. I loved getting some cuddle action into my weekend.
The downer came yesterday when I got the same barfing illness my kids and apparently everyone else at church has had. So I spent some time kissing the toilet before the drive home.

This last picture is of my friend Lanell and I in our 70's sexiness for Halloween.

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