Monday, March 12, 2007

Corinthians and the Family Team

First things first, my long absence has a good explanation. I'm leaving for China in 3 weeks...I've been attacked spiritually, emotionally and physically the last couple of weeks. The funny things is that I seem to forget that that is ALWAYS what happens leading up to these trips. Freakin absent long-term memory! If you think of it, lift me up to the Father.

I am, by nature, a person who enjoys kids. I think they're fun, but I am not big on the title of mother. As a result I fought the stereotypes I had of that role for a long time. Over the last year, God has shown me the amazing intricacies of His interaction with humanity through my growing relationship with my 3 and 5 year old.

We have been talking about being a part of God's winning team in church the last couple of weeks and at Bible study our leader asked us to think of other "teams" we're on (the marriageteam, missions team, etc). We talked about our "family teams" and then our leader read 1 Corinthians 12. Something in me clicked as I took that passage and applied it to my family. Oh my gosh, my kids are an essential part of this family body!

So often it's easy for me to go into "lady of the house" mode and treat my kiddos as peons. What a perversion of the vision that He has for our families! I already feel a great appreciation for all the examples and words of truth my kids have spoken to me ("Mommy, you hurt my feelings!"). My daughter has taken a great interest in laying hands on people when praying for their physical ailments. How dare I look down on whatever God is teaching her at her present age. So, here I stand, convicted of how I have discounted my kids as add-ons or ignorant peons when their presence in our family is part of the Divine design.

1 comment:

Tarasview said...

That is so easy to do! I catch myself thinking of them as inconveniences rather than the gifts God has given me. I prayed for you today.