Thursday, January 01, 2009

Cockroaches & Barf

The current barfiness makes me a very lucky girl...and I'll tell you why: this is the 1st barfing my son has done in the last 2 1/2 years! Woo hoo! Also, it only last for 10 hours and seemed to be food related and not actually an illness.

Onto the unlucky news: I believe we have cockroaches! Agh! I found one on my floor yesterday and everyone tells me that if I see one, then there's enough in my house to rival the national debt number. So, I was getting a little worked up about it envisioning us having to vacate for weeks will the nasty little, nuclear blast surviving bastards could be squashed. Then I did som research and it sounds like there some traps and sprays I could buy at the store that could take care of it.
Also, these cockroaches aren't the hand-sized monsters that live in Turkey and (I've heard) the South.

Anyone tried the store stuff? What works for you?


Anonymous said...

ick! When I was a kid my g'ma had roaches. She used the roach motels. It took a while, but things cleared up. The thing you have to worry about is the eggs. They lay a ton of those frequently. My aunt from MS had all kids of roaches: flying roaches, albino roaches, you name it. They tried a fogger,but they all just went to the neighbors house. Seems as though a combination of things would work the best and wipe down/shake everything out so you can get rid of the eggs.

Lomagirl said...

I think the barfiness is something going around the internet. I've had a day of stomach flu and so has MckMamma.

Anonymous said...

let me check this time...