Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm Back...Jack! (Sort've)

I've been itching to get my mitts on some non-blocked internet and praise be to God the church has wireless!!! How did we all live before such a beast as DSL?!

Some words from my kiddos:

Ruthie:"Caedmon, give me my chopstick!"

Me:"You mean chapstick."

Ruthie:"Caedmon, give me my chapelstick!"

Sometimes, correcting 4 yr old wording is pointless. If you really want a lesson in being less judgemental live with other people for 4 1/2 months. I have been a part of 6 different households and God has called them all to walk through life in very different ways. They are all doing exactly what they're called to do and some are doing it in plenty and some are doing it in want. Yet they all opened up their homes and really their lives to a family walking a different path and loved us anyway.

One of my close friends and I have had a really tough year, we couldn't see past the different paths we were walking enough to love each other as we should. We have spent 6 months slowly rekindling the enjoyment we found in each other. I continue to be blown away by how God weaves each of our lives to walk our different roads RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. Praise God for the times when those paths join and we can laugh and cry out of understanding. I continue to love my path...sure I wish that rock wasn't right in my way and I have moments of wanting to step off the path completely. Then I catch a glimpse of the end...or even the waterfall around the bend and I keep walking with my calves burning and drinking in the Living Water.

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