I'm having flashbacks this week of a time in late June of 2012 when I was slowly emptying my house in preparation to move across the world. That time has come again as we ready to leave Saturday to go back to Colorado.
The moving back is much easier than the moving here for a number of reasons.
-We don't have to sell our furniture as a family already bought all of our things and will move in soon after we leave.
-We have less stuff to deal with as we haven't accumulated much over the last 2 years. We are also willing to leave some things here knowing that we can replace them when we get back to the States.
-Instead of checking 8 bags, we only have to check 4 because friends that visited since January have been taking some of our stuff back with them.
The biggest factor in the ease of leaving this time is: I know what I'm getting into! There's no leap into the unknown, there's no language barrier, there's a church home and friends from long ago waiting to greet us upon arrival.
We also have a job, housing, vehicles, the great outdoors, a church family, and a social life waiting for us back in Colorado.
I am thankful for our 5 friends from church visiting for 11 days recently because we showed them the best that Jordan has to offer. Wadi Rum, Petra, Jerash, the Dead Sea, Karak castle, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Citadel, wadi's and the market were all on display for them to enjoy. It also renewed my view of all great places that inhabit this tiny kingdom.
Yes, we will miss people (school friends and our awesome neighbors), but we are all excited for the adventures to come.
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